Автор: Anton: Дата: 11.06.2008
//===== eAthena Script =======================================
//= Трынька
//===== By ===================================================
//= [molod]
//===== Version ==============================================
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With ======================================
//= eAthena SVN and Freya SVN
//===== Description ==========================================
//= Play with the npc in a cart game =)
//===== Comments =============================================
//= 1.0 - Initial beta release
prontera.gat,152,145,4 script Player 944,{
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[0],"6 пика";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[1],"6 креста";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[2],"6 буба";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[3],"6 черва";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[4],"7 пика";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[5],"7 креста";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[6],"7 буба";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[7],"7 черва";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[8],"8 пика";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[9],"8 креста";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[10],"8 буба";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[11],"8 черва";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[12],"9 пика";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[13],"9 креста";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[14],"9 буба";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[15],"9 черва";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[16],"10 пика";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[17],"10 креста";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[18],"10 буба";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[19],"10 черва";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[20],"туз пика";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[21],"туз креста";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[22],"туз буба";
setarray @arrayofnumbers$[23],"туз черва";
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Сыграем в трыньку?";
menu "Да",-,"Нет",no;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Ставки! Скока ставишь?";
input @playerzeny;
if(@playerzeny>10000000) goto maxstavka;
if(@playerzeny<1000) goto minstavka;
if(@playerzeny>Zeny) goto goaway;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Как играем?!";
mes "Открытая ? Закрытая? ...";
menu "Открытая",open,"Закрытая",closet;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Ок! Каждый ход бует стоить " + @playerzeny + " Зени!";
set @trcloset,1;
set Zeny, Zeny - @playerzeny;
goto randomcart;
set @trcloset,0;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "ОК ПОЕХАЛИ!";
mes "Тусуем калоду...";
set Zeny, Zeny - @playerzeny;
mes "На кону "+ 2*@playerzeny;
set @ran1,rand(23);
set @card1$, @arrayofnumbers$[@ran1];
set @ran2,rand(23);
set @card2$, @arrayofnumbers$[@ran2];
if(@card2$==@card1$) goto card2;
set @ran3,rand(23);
set @card3$, @arrayofnumbers$[@ran3];
if(@card3$==@card1$) goto card3;
if(@card3$==@card2$) goto card3;
/// KOMP
set @ran1,rand(23);
set @compcard1$, @arrayofnumbers$[@ran1];
if(@compcard1$==@card1$) goto compcard1;
if(@compcard1$==@card2$) goto compcard1;
if(@compcard1$==@card3$) goto compcard1;
set @ran2,rand(23);
set @compcard2$, @arrayofnumbers$[@ran2];
if(@compcard2$==@card1$) goto compcard2;
if(@compcard2$==@card2$) goto compcard2;
if(@compcard2$==@card3$) goto compcard2;
if(@compcard2$==@compcard1$) goto compcard2;
set @ran3,rand(23);
set @compcard3$, @arrayofnumbers$[@ran3];
if(@compcard3$==@card1$) goto compcard3;
if(@compcard3$==@card2$) goto compcard3;
if(@compcard3$==@card3$) goto compcard3;
if(@compcard3$==@compcard1$) goto compcard3;
if(@compcard3$==@compcard2$) goto compcard3;
//////////////////Определяем масть игрока:
//////////////////////////////////// пика:
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @mast1,1;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @mast1,1;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @mast1,1;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @mast1,1;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @mast1,1;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @mast1,1;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @mast2,1;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @mast2,1;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @mast2,1;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @mast2,1;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @mast2,1;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @mast2,1;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @mast3,1;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @mast3,1;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @mast3,1;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @mast3,1;
if(@cart3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @mast3,1;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @mast3,1;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @point3,11;
//////////////////////////////////// Креста:
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @mast1,2;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @mast1,2;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @mast1,2;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @mast1,2;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @mast1,2;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @mast1,2;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @mast2,2;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @mast2,2;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @mast2,2;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @mast2,2;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @mast2,2;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @mast2,2;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @mast3,2;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @mast3,2;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @mast3,2;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @mast3,2;
if(@cart3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @mast3,2;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @mast3,2;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @point3,11;
//////////////////////////////////////// БУБА:
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @mast1,3;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @mast1,3;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @mast1,3;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @mast1,3;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @mast1,3;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @mast1,3;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @mast2,3;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @mast2,3;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @mast2,3;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @mast2,3;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @mast2,3;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @mast2,3;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @mast3,3;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @mast3,3;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @mast3,3;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @mast3,3;
if(@cart3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @mast3,3;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @mast3,3;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @point3,11;
////////////////////////////////// Черва:
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @mast1,4;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @mast1,4;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @mast1,4;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @mast1,4;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @mast1,4;
if(@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @mast1,4;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @mast2,4;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @mast2,4;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @mast2,4;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @mast2,4;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @mast2,4;
if(@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @mast2,4;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @mast3,4;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @mast3,4;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @mast3,4;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @mast3,4;
if(@cart3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @mast3,4;
if(@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @mast3,4;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@card1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@card2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@card3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @point3,11;
goto Result;
//////////////////Определяем масть компа:
//////////////////////////////////// пика:
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @mast1,1;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @mast1,1;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @mast1,1;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @mast1,1;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @mast1,1;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @mast1,1;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @mast2,1;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @mast2,1;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @mast2,1;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @mast2,1;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @mast2,1;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @mast2,1;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @mast3,1;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @mast3,1;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @mast3,1;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @mast3,1;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @mast3,1;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @mast3,1;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 1) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 1) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[0]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[4]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[8]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[12]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[16]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 1) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[20]) set @point3,11;
//////////////////////////////////// Креста:
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @mast1,2;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @mast1,2;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @mast1,2;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @mast1,2;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @mast1,2;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @mast1,2;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @mast2,2;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @mast2,2;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @mast2,2;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @mast2,2;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @mast2,2;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @mast2,2;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @mast3,2;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @mast3,2;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @mast3,2;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @mast3,2;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @mast3,2;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @mast3,2;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 2) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 2) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[1]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[5]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[9]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[13]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[17]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 2) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[21]) set @point3,11;
//////////////////////////////////////// БУБА:
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @mast1,3;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @mast1,3;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @mast1,3;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @mast1,3;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @mast1,3;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @mast1,3;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @mast2,3;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @mast2,3;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @mast2,3;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @mast2,3;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @mast2,3;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @mast2,3;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @mast3,3;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @mast3,3;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @mast3,3;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @mast3,3;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @mast3,3;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @mast3,3;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 3) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 3) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[2]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[6]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[10]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[14]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[18]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 3) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[22]) set @point3,11;
////////////////////////////////// Черва:
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @mast1,4;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @mast1,4;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @mast1,4;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @mast1,4;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @mast1,4;
if(@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @mast1,4;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @mast2,4;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @mast2,4;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @mast2,4;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @mast2,4;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @mast2,4;
if(@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @mast2,4;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @mast3,4;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @mast3,4;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @mast3,4;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @mast3,4;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @mast3,4;
if(@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @mast3,4;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @point1,6;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @point1,7;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @point1,8;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @point1,9;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @point1,10;
if(@mast1 == 4) && (@compcard1$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @point1,11;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @point2,6;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @point2,7;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @point2,8;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @point2,9;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @point2,10;
if(@mast2 == 4) && (@compcard2$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @point2,11;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[3]) set @point3,6;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[7]) set @point3,7;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[11]) set @point3,8;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[15]) set @point3,9;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[19]) set @point3,10;
if(@mast3 == 4) && (@compcard3$ == @arrayofnumbers$[23]) set @point3,11;
goto CompResult;
///Считаем очки Игрока
if(@mast1 == @mast2) & (@mast1 != @mast3) goto var1;
if(@mast1 == @mast3) & (@mast1 != @mast2) goto var2;
if(@mast2 == @mast3) & (@mast2 != @mast1) goto var3;
if(@mast1 == @mast2) & (@mast1 == @mast3) goto var4;
if(@mast1 != @mast2) & (@mast1 != @mast3) & (@mast2 != @mast3) goto spor;
if(@point1>=@point2) && (@point1>=@point3) set @cardpoint,@point1;
if(@point2>=@point1) && (@point2>=@point3) set @cardpoint,@point2;
if(@point3>=@point2) && (@point3>=@point1) set @cardpoint,@point3;
goto Compmast;
set @cardpoint,@point1+@point2;
goto Compmast;
set @cardpoint,@point1+@point3;
goto Compmast;
set @cardpoint,@point2+@point3;
goto Compmast;
set @cardpoint,@point1+@point2+@point3;
goto Compmast;
///Считаем очки Компа
if(@mast1 == @mast2) & (@mast1 != @mast3) goto cvar1;
if(@mast1 == @mast3) & (@mast1 != @mast2) goto cvar2;
if(@mast2 == @mast3) & (@mast2 != @mast1) goto cvar3;
if(@mast1 == @mast2) & (@mast1 == @mast3) goto cvar4;
if(@mast1 != @mast2) & (@mast1 != @mast3) & (@mast2 != @mast3) goto cspor;
if(@point1>=@point2) && (@point1>=@point3) set @compcardpoint,@point1;
if(@point2>=@point1) && (@point2>=@point3) set @compcardpoint,@point2;
if(@point3>=@point2) && (@point3>=@point1) set @compcardpoint,@point3;
goto mess;
set @compcardpoint,@point1+@point2;
goto mess;
set @compcardpoint,@point1+@point3;
goto mess;
set @compcardpoint,@point2+@point3;
goto mess;
set @compcardpoint,@point1+@point2+@point3;
goto mess;
if(@trcloset == 1) goto trincloset;
mes "Твои карты:";
mes "1 карта = "+@card1$;
mes "2 карта = "+@card2$;
mes "3 карта = "+@card3$;
mes " ";
mes "Карты нпс:";
mes "1 карта = "+@compcard1$;
mes "2 карта = "+@compcard2$;
mes "3 карта = "+@compcard3$;
if(@cardpoint<@compcardpoint) goto compwin;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Мои очки = "+@compcardpoint;
mes "Вы выйграли!";
set Zeny, Zeny+2*@playerzeny;
emotion 29,1;
emotion 32;
goto play;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Мои очки = "+@compcardpoint;
mes "Вы проиграли!";
emotion 29;
emotion 32,1;
goto play;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "ok";
emotion 30;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Минимальная ставка:";
mes "1000 z ...";
goto play;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "У тебя нет таких деняг!";
mes "Проваливай";
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Максимальная ставка:";
mes "10000000 z ...";
goto play;
///////////////////////// Закрытая:
set @closetzeny, 2*@playerzeny;
mes "Твои карты:";
mes "1 карта = "+@card1$;
mes "2 карта = "+@card2$;
mes "3 карта = "+@card3$;
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Ходи...";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "На кону = "+@closetzeny;
menu "Дальше за "+ @playerzeny,dal,"Вскыть за "+ @playerzeny,vsk,"Упасть",fall;
if(Zeny<@playerzeny) goto PlayerWord;
set Zeny, Zeny - @playerzeny;
set @closetzeny, @closetzeny+@playerzeny;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Дал дальше? Ок!";
mes "Ход; нпс...";
goto AINPC;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Сразу бы так!";
goto play;
if(Zeny<@playerzeny) goto PlayerWord;
set Zeny, Zeny - @playerzeny;
set @closetzeny, @closetzeny+@playerzeny;
if(@cardpoint<@compcardpoint) goto zakcompwin;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Мои очки = "+@compcardpoint;
mes "Вы выйграли!";
set Zeny,Zeny + @closetzeny;
emotion 29,1;
emotion 32;
goto play;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Мои очки = "+@compcardpoint;
mes "Вы проиграли!";
emotion 29;
emotion 32,1;
goto play;
if(@compcardpoint<10) goto compfall;
if(@compcardpoint>=10) & (@compcardpoint<=18) goto compvskr;
if(@compcardpoint>18) goto compdal;
set @ai,rand(1,2);
if(@ai == 1) goto compdal;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Я упал!";
mes "Ты выйграл!";
emotion 29,1;
set Zeny, Zeny + @closetzeny;
goto play;
set @ai,rand(1,2);
if(@ai == 1) goto compdal;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Я тя вскрою!";
set @closetzeny,@closetzeny+@playerzeny;
if(@cardpoint<@compcardpoint) goto vskzakcompwin;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Мои очки = "+@compcardpoint;
mes "Вы выйграли!";
set Zeny,Zeny + @closetzeny;
emotion 29,1;
emotion 32;
goto play;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Твои очки = "+@cardpoint;
mes "Мои очки = "+@compcardpoint;
mes "Вы проиграли!";
emotion 29;
emotion 32,1;
goto play;
set @closetzeny, @closetzeny+@playerzeny;
mes "[ Player ]";
mes "Я дальше! Твой ход!";
goto PlayerWord;
Автор: : Дата: 01.01.1970