

Автор: MiRoTVoReZ: Дата: 09.01.2008

Я так понял проект перевода закончен? О_о Если нет жду месаг)))))))

Автор: MiRoTVoReZ: Дата: 09.02.2008

xD ясно xD

Автор: Anton: Дата: 09.18.2008

вчера перевёл квест на арчера запустил и выдало ошибку я перевод из-за психов удалил я предлогаю начать переводить с квестов

Автор: Cole McCormick: Дата: 09.19.2008

далбы мне скрин ошибки и сам перевод яб исправил.

Автор: Anton: Дата: 09.20.2008

вот всё что осталось там в конце немного перевидено

//===== eAthena Script =======================================
//= Archer Job Quest
//===== By: ==================================================
//= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.7a
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
//= [Aegis Conversion]
//= Job quest for Archer classes
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= Fully working
//= v1.1 Added instant job change for High Novice [Lupus]
//= v1.3 Added Baby Class support [Lupus]
//= v1.4 Optimised and moved first checker to Jfunc1-1 [massdriller]
//= 1.5 Now saves/restores all quest skills [Lupus]
//= 1.6 Merged back JFunc [Lupus]
//= 1.7 Rescripted to Aegis 10.3 stadards. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= Arrow reward is now equal to the type sof trunks brought.
//= No longer uses function "F_ToHigh"
//= 1.7a Fixed minor dialogue bug at Grade==25 [Lupus]

payon_in02,64,71,4 script Archer Guildsman#archer 85,{
if (Upper == 1) {
if (Class == Job_Novice_High && ADVJOB == Job_Sniper || ADVJOB == Job_Clown || ADVJOB == Job_Gypsy) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Hey, I know you.";
mes "You took this test";
mes "before, didn't you?";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ah, you must have been";
mes "to Valhalla and been reborn.";
mes "Wow, that's so impressive!";
if (getskilllv(1) < 9) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Err...";
mes "You'd better learn all the Basic Skills first before you can become an Archer.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Alright, see you later.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Well then. I don't";
mes "need to say anything else.";
mes "I know you'll make a great Archer...";
skill 143,0,0;
jobchange Job_Archer_high;
skill 147,1,0;
skill 148,1,0;
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Although there's no special";
mes "reward for you this time, I hope you understand. Take care of yourself.";
else {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Oh...?";
mes "Hey, what are";
mes "you doing here...?";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "I can tell that you're not cut out to be an Archer. It sort of feels like you're meant to do";
mes "something else...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Добрый день. Как я могу помоч тебе?";
switch(select("Я хочу стать лучником.:Какие требования?:Не беспокойтесь.")) {
case 1:
if (BaseJob == Job_Archer) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "You've already become an Archer...";
else if (BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseJob != Job_Novice) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Hmm...";
mes "You don't look much like a Novice at all...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Anyway, whatever you are, you can't choose a job as an Archer because you have a job already.";
if (job_archer_q == 0) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ты зделал великолепный выбор профессии.";
mes "Пожалуйса, составь своё резюме";
mes "что бы я мог проверить твою квалификацию.";
if (select("Отдать резюме.:Отмена") == 1) {
set job_archer_q,1;
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Okay, sign here. Alright, um, I'll promote you once you meet the requirements.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "If you think you've met them already, we can check that now.";
mes "Are you ready?";
if (select("Yes, I am.:No, not yet.") == 1) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Alright, let me check.";
else {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "I understand. Be my guest if you want to look at the requirements.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Well, alright.";
mes "See you next time.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "О, Я вижу ты вернулся"?";
if (getskilllv(1) < 9) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Well, you're not at the right job level. Please check the requirements again.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Your job level must be at least 10, and don't forget you should learn all of the Basic Skills. Once you've done that, come back.";
if (job_archer_q == 1) {
set .@archer_item1,countitem(1066) * 5;
set .@archer_item2,countitem(1067) * 3;
set .@archer_item3,countitem(1068) * 2;
set .@archer_item4,countitem(1019);
set .@total_archer,.@archer_item1 + .@archer_item2 + .@archer_item3 + .@archer_item4;
set .@total_archer2,(((.@archer_item2 + .@archer_item3) * 2) + .@archer_item4);
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Excellent!";
mes "Now then,";
mes "let's see...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Я оценю значения различных видов Trunks, они нужны для Лука";
if (countitem(1066) == 0 && countitem(1067) == 0 && countitem(1068) == 0 && countitem(1019) == 0) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Um...";
mes "Unfortunately you didn't bring any of the required items. There's nothing for me to appraise.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
if (countitem(1066) != 0) mes " Grade S : " + countitem(1066) + " ea, Grade: " + .@archer_item1 + " . ";
if (countitem(1067) != 0) mes " Grade A : " + countitem(1067) + " ea, Grade : " + .@archer_item2 + " . ";
if (countitem(1068) != 0) mes " Grade B : " + countitem(1068) + " ea, Grade : " + .@archer_item3 + " . ";
if (countitem(1019) != 0) mes " Grade C : " + countitem(1019) + " ea, Grade : " + .@archer_item4 + " . ";
if (.@total_archer < 25) {
mes "Total Grades: ^FF0000" + .@total_archer + "^000000 / 40";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Less than 25!? You have to get a grade of at least 25! Come on, try harder!";
else {
mes "Total Grades: ^0000FF" + .@total_archer + "^000000 / 40";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
if (.@total_archer > 40) {
mes "Wow! More than 40!";
mes "Excellent! Congratulations!";
else if (.@total_archer > 30) {
mes ",Больше 30! Хорошая работа!";
mes "Поздравляю!";
else {
mes "*Sigh* Well, you just barely passed... Anyway, well done.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "I'll transfer these Trunks to our Bow Production Department. Now that you've met the requirements, let me promote you right away!";
if (countitem(1066) != 0) delitem 1066,countitem(1066); //Tree_Of_Archer_1
if (countitem(1067) != 0) delitem 1067,countitem(1067); //Tree_Of_Archer_2
if (countitem(1068) != 0) delitem 1068,countitem(1068); //Tree_Of_Archer_3
if (countitem(1019) != 0) delitem 1019,countitem(1019); //Wooden_Block
callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Archer;
callfunc "F_ClearJobVar";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Поздравляю!";
mes "Ты стал Лучником!";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Of course, we expect that you will help contribute towards the future of the Archer Guild with your efforts.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ah, your bow has arrived from the Bow Production Department. Here, take it! It's yours~";
getitem 1702,1; //Bow_
getitem 1750,.@total_archer2; //Arrow
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Now, off you go. Hunt with pride, knowing you were trained by one of the best!";
case 2:
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Позволь мне обьясниь тебе требования для профессии лучника.";
if (BaseJob != Job_Novice) {
if (BaseJob == Job_Archer) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Но...";
mes "Вы уже лучик...";
else {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Wait a second. You've chosen a different job already. You don't need to know this~";
mes "So...Yeah...no real reason to tell you the requirements...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Во-первых, ты должен достичь 9-ого профуссиональого уровня и выучить Базовые скиллы, которые станут доступны.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Во-вторы ты должен пройти тест который покажет, готов ли ты стать лучником.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ето требования. Выполни их и ты сможешь прожить жизнь, как может ето зделать только лучник.";

Автор: Cole McCormick: Дата: 09.20.2008

вот я исправил ошибку, переводи дальше))))

//===== eAthena Script =======================================
//= Archer Job Quest
//===== By: ==================================================
//= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.7a
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
//= [Aegis Conversion]
//= Job quest for Archer classes
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= Fully working
//= v1.1 Added instant job change for High Novice [Lupus]
//= v1.3 Added Baby Class support [Lupus]
//= v1.4 Optimised and moved first checker to Jfunc1-1 [massdriller]
//= 1.5 Now saves/restores all quest skills [Lupus]
//= 1.6 Merged back JFunc [Lupus]
//= 1.7 Rescripted to Aegis 10.3 stadards. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= Arrow reward is now equal to the type sof trunks brought.
//= No longer uses function "F_ToHigh"
//= 1.7a Fixed minor dialogue bug at Grade==25 [Lupus]

payon_in02,64,71,4 script Archer Guildsman#archer 85,{
if (Upper == 1) {
if (Class == Job_Novice_High && ADVJOB == Job_Sniper || ADVJOB == Job_Clown || ADVJOB == Job_Gypsy) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Hey, I know you.";
mes "You took this test";
mes "before, didn't you?";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ah, you must have been";
mes "to Valhalla and been reborn.";
mes "Wow, that's so impressive!";
if (getskilllv(1) < 9) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Err...";
mes "You'd better learn all the Basic Skills first before you can become an Archer.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Alright, see you later.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Well then. I don't";
mes "need to say anything else.";
mes "I know you'll make a great Archer...";
skill 143,0,0;
jobchange Job_Archer_high;
skill 147,1,0;
skill 148,1,0;
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Although there's no special";
mes "reward for you this time, I hope you understand. Take care of yourself.";
else {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Oh...?";
mes "Hey, what are";
mes "you doing here...?";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "I can tell that you're not cut out to be an Archer. It sort of feels like you're meant to do";
mes "something else...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Добрый день. Как я могу помоч тебе?";
switch(select("Я хочу стать лучником.:Какие требования?:Не беспокойтесь.")) {
case 1:
if (BaseJob == Job_Archer) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "You've already become an Archer...";
else if (BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseJob != Job_Novice) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Hmm...";
mes "You don't look much like a Novice at all...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Anyway, whatever you are, you can't choose a job as an Archer because you have a job already.";
if (job_archer_q == 0) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ты зделал великолепный выбор профессии.";
mes "Пожалуйса, составь своё резюме";
mes "что бы я мог проверить твою квалификацию.";
if (select("Отдать резюме.:Отмена") == 1) {
set job_archer_q,1;
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Okay, sign here. Alright, um, I'll promote you once you meet the requirements.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "If you think you've met them already, we can check that now.";
mes "Are you ready?";
if (select("Yes, I am.:No, not yet.") == 1) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Alright, let me check.";
else {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "I understand. Be my guest if you want to look at the requirements.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Well, alright.";
mes "See you next time.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "О, Я вижу ты вернулся";
if (getskilllv(1) < 9) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Well, you're not at the right job level. Please check the requirements again.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Your job level must be at least 10, and don't forget you should learn all of the Basic Skills. Once you've done that, come back.";
if (job_archer_q == 1) {
set .@archer_item1,countitem(1066) * 5;
set .@archer_item2,countitem(1067) * 3;
set .@archer_item3,countitem(1068) * 2;
set .@archer_item4,countitem(1019);
set .@total_archer,.@archer_item1 + .@archer_item2 + .@archer_item3 + .@archer_item4;
set .@total_archer2,(((.@archer_item2 + .@archer_item3) * 2) + .@archer_item4);
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Excellent!";
mes "Now then,";
mes "let's see...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Я оценю значения различных видов Trunks, они нужны для Лука";
if (countitem(1066) == 0 && countitem(1067) == 0 && countitem(1068) == 0 && countitem(1019) == 0) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Um...";
mes "Unfortunately you didn't bring any of the required items. There's nothing for me to appraise.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
if (countitem(1066) != 0) mes " Grade S : " + countitem(1066) + " ea, Grade: " + .@archer_item1 + " . ";
if (countitem(1067) != 0) mes " Grade A : " + countitem(1067) + " ea, Grade : " + .@archer_item2 + " . ";
if (countitem(1068) != 0) mes " Grade B : " + countitem(1068) + " ea, Grade : " + .@archer_item3 + " . ";
if (countitem(1019) != 0) mes " Grade C : " + countitem(1019) + " ea, Grade : " + .@archer_item4 + " . ";
if (.@total_archer < 25) {
mes "Total Grades: ^FF0000" + .@total_archer + "^000000 / 40";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Less than 25!? You have to get a grade of at least 25! Come on, try harder!";
else {
mes "Total Grades: ^0000FF" + .@total_archer + "^000000 / 40";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
if (.@total_archer > 40) {
mes "Wow! More than 40!";
mes "Excellent! Congratulations!";
else if (.@total_archer > 30) {
mes ",Больше 30! Хорошая работа!";
mes "Поздравляю!";
else {
mes "*Sigh* Well, you just barely passed... Anyway, well done.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "I'll transfer these Trunks to our Bow Production Department. Now that you've met the requirements, let me promote you right away!";
if (countitem(1066) != 0) delitem 1066,countitem(1066); //Tree_Of_Archer_1
if (countitem(1067) != 0) delitem 1067,countitem(1067); //Tree_Of_Archer_2
if (countitem(1068) != 0) delitem 1068,countitem(1068); //Tree_Of_Archer_3
if (countitem(1019) != 0) delitem 1019,countitem(1019); //Wooden_Block
callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Archer;
callfunc "F_ClearJobVar";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Поздравляю!";
mes "Ты стал Лучником!";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Of course, we expect that you will help contribute towards the future of the Archer Guild with your efforts.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ah, your bow has arrived from the Bow Production Department. Here, take it! It's yours~";
getitem 1702,1; //Bow_
getitem 1750,.@total_archer2; //Arrow
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Now, off you go. Hunt with pride, knowing you were trained by one of the best!";
case 2:
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Позволь мне обьясниь тебе требования для профессии лучника.";
if (BaseJob != Job_Novice) {
if (BaseJob == Job_Archer) {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Но...";
mes "Вы уже лучик...";
else {
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Wait a second. You've chosen a different job already. You don't need to know this~";
mes "So...Yeah...no real reason to tell you the requirements...";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Во-первых, ты должен достичь 9-ого профуссиональого уровня и выучить Базовые скиллы, которые станут доступны.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Во-вторы ты должен пройти тест который покажет, готов ли ты стать лучником.";
mes "[Archer Guildsman]";
mes "Ето требования. Выполни их и ты сможешь прожить жизнь, как может ето зделать только лучник.";

Автор: MiRoTVoReZ: Дата: 09.22.2008

гг, наверняка ошибка с табуляцией :) Вот в помощ переводу и софтеГ :)