
Помогите плиз

Автор: NesterRo: Дата: 06.07.2009

1.Почему я немогу сделать чтоб на гв нельзя было хавать бери ??
prtg_cas01 mapflag restricted 4
может что-то неправильно в табуляции ???
2. Вот скрипт кафры допишите в нём чтобы можно было использовать склад гильдии

//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Kafra Functions
//===== By: ==================================================
//= eAthena Dev Team
//= Darlskies, Darkchild, Syrus22, Lupus, kobra_k88 (2.0)
//= L0ne_W0lf
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 6.1
//===== Перевод ==============================================
//= by Marksman (SakhRO)
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= eAthena 1.0
//===== Description: =========================================
//= These functions handle save, storage, cart rental, teleport,
//= and Free Teleport/Warp/Rent Cart options for all Kafra NPCs.
//= Kafra's will need a lot of work. The Welcome Message argument
//= may become obsolete, as most kafras have a slightly differing
//= Welcome message.
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= v1.1 Now using functions v2.1 Added Cart Rent for Classes: Whitesmith, Professor.
//= Replaced checkoption(x) into checkcart(0) [Lupus] v2.1b Added Fix Kafra Pass Func [Kobra_k88]
//= 2.2 Final fix of the Kafra Pass Exploit! [Lupus] a -Izlude[4] fix
//= 2.2a Minor changes to function calls.  Using agruments. Added Guild options. [kobra_k88]
//= 2.2b This version uses arrays for the teleport option. Rearranged next statements to make menu transitions smoother. [kobra_k88]
//= 2.3 Removed SAVE from Niflheim. [Lupus]
//= 2.3 removed "fix" by HawkMoon RTFM and check supernovice.txt . There's a SPECIAL Kafra which gives CARTS to SN for a special proce. [Lupus]
//= 2.4 Added Baby Class Support (Baby Novice check) Removed annoying storage feature where u had to close dialog window to be able to use your storage [Lupus]
//= 2.5 Added Louyang official Kafra, fixes some Kafras, not letting you to Save your position [Lupus]
//= 2.6 Reverted Dungeons Kafras (they should offer only Storage). Added temp Ayothaya Kafra
//= 2.7 Added correct Ayothaya, Louyang & Amatsu Kafras. [Lupus]
//= 2.8 Fixed Amatsu Storage problems [Lupus] 2.9 Fixed spelling mistakes. [Nexon]
//= 3.0 Added special "not working teleport menu" for Einbroch Kafras [Lupus]
//= 3.1 Removed callfunc Is_####_Class in favor of baseClass [Silentdragon]
//= 3.2 Fixed an exploit [Lupus]
//= 4.0 Added Kafra storage password protection. [Lupus]
//=    to block Kafra Password, read comments at 350 line
//=    Note: You can change '1337' value to another to raise password protection
//= 5.0 Fixed the close2;....close; end; lines. Who let them slip away? =/ [erKURITA]
//=      Also, the kafra upon warp was giving back the zeny. Removed. [erKURITA]
//= 5.1 Optimized a little, added no tele/save arg's [Evera]
//= 5.1a Temporary? Added F_ClearGarbage to clear unused/outdated variables [Lupus]
//= 5.2 By default commented out custom Guilds Kafra's "Guild Storage". [Lupus]
//= 5.3 uncommented Guild Storage. Confirmed kRO feature. [Lupus]
//= 5.4 added -Guide option (Kafra shows you nearest Guide) Work in progress.
//=    Need all coords for all guides.. and somehow pass their coords to kafra.
//=    Removed universal Kafra Pass, added 3 new Kafra Tickets [Lupus]
//= 5.4b temporary moved "-Guide" from the 1st menu punct [Lupus]
//= 5.5 Added proper Niflheim welcome message.    [L0ne_W0lf]
//=    Cleaned up the menus a bit. Got rid of the proceeding "-" prefix.
//= 5.5b Missed a preceeding hyphen, which was screwing up teleporting. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 5.6 Further dialog updates, added  dynamic costs for cart and storage use. [L0ne_W0lf]
//=    Updated some functions to handle Guild Kafras the way they should.
//= 5.6a Corrected a few wrong names in the teleport function. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 5.7 Correced end message no longer displaying, and the duplicate names [L0ne_W0lf]
//=    Thanks to Barron-Monster for pointing out the issues.
//= 5.8 Fixed another double name being shown when "saving" [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 5.9 Fixed the Kafra Welcome message for guilds. Thanks Barron-Monster. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 6.0 Closed Kafra Password exploit in Cool Event Corp. Storages until we got a client/packet based password support.
//=        Added 2 args into F_SetKafCode to fit it in Cool Evnt Co. NPC [Lupus]
//= 6.1 Added menu for Turbo Track Kafra Staff. [L0ne_W0lf]

// Main Function ===========================================================
//=   arg(0): Used to determine which welcome message to show.
//=   arg(1): Used to determine which menu to display.
//=   arg(2): Used to determine if the info menu is shown in F_KafInfo.
//=   arg(3): Cost to use Storage
//=   arg(4): Cost to Rent a Pushcart
function    script    F_Kafra    {
    callfunc "F_ClearGarbage"; //Clear outdated, unused variables

    //Display Kafra Welcome Message
        //Default message (obsolete)
        case 0:
            mes "[Kafra Employee]";
            mes "Добро пожаловать в";
            mes "Корпорацию Кафра.";
            mes "Наши услуги";
            mes "всегда на Вашей стороне.";
            mes "Чем я могу Вам помочь?";

        //Niflheim specific message
        case 1:
            mes "[Kafra Employee]";
            mes "^666666Доообр-роо поож-жаловааать";
            mes "в К-корпоорррац-цию";
            mes "К-кааафрра..^000000";

        //Guild Castle Kafra message
        case 2:
            set @GID,getcharid(2);
            mes "[Kafra Employee]";
             mes "Добро пожаловать, Член Гильдии ^ff0000" + GetGuildName(@GID) + "^000000.";
            mes "Корпорация Кафра всегда с Вами, где бы Вы ни были.";

        //Amatsu specific message (obsolete)
        case 3:
            mes "[Kafra Employee]";
            mes "Значит, Вы пришли из далеких краев, чтобы изучить нашу культуру или Вы просто осматриваете достопримечательности?";
            mes "В любом случае, почему бы не остаться на некоторое время?";
            mes "Воздух всегда наполнен";
            mes "чудесным ароматом полевых цветов.";

        //Louyang and Ayothaya specific message (obsolete)
        case 4:
            mes "[Kafra Employee]";
            mes "С разветвленной сетью";
            mes "пунктов услуг Кафра";
            mes "Вы всегда рядом с домом.";

        //NPC has it's own welcome message. (Display nothing)
        case 5:

        cleararray @K_Menu0$[0],"",7;
        // Save and Storage only
        case 1:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Сохранить","Использовать Сундук","Отмена";

        // Storage only
        case 2:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Использовать Сундук","Отмена";

        // No Teleport (Common)
        case 3:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Сохранить","Использовать Сундук","Арендовать телегу","Гиды","Проверить другую информацию","Отмена";

        // Case 4 is Einbroch no tele message.

        // No save, or teleport. (Common)
        case 5:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Использовать Сундук","Арендовать телегу","Проверить другую информацию","Гиды","Отмена";

        // Storage and Check Other Information only.
        case 6:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Использовать Сундук","Гиды","Проверить другую информацию","Отмена";

        // Save, Storage, and Pushcart only (Kafra Warehouse)
        case 7:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Сохранить","Использовать Сундук","Арендовать телегу","Отмена";

        // Save, Storage, Other Check information. (Turbo track)
        case 8:
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Сохранить","Использовать Сундук","Проверить другую информацию","Отмена";

        // Common Kafra Employee
            setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Сохранить","Использовать Сундук","Телепорт","Арендовать телегу","Гиды","Проверить другую информацию","Отмена";

    // Guild Kafra Menu override (free Teleport, free Storage, Free Cart)
    if(getarg(0)==2) {
        cleararray @K_Menu0$[0],"",7;
        setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Использовать Сундук","Использовать Сундук Гильдии","Арендовать телегу","Телепорт","Отмена";
    menu     @K_Menu0$[0],K_Menu0,@K_Menu0$[1],K_Menu1,@K_Menu0$[2],K_Menu2,
        set @num,0;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,1;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,2;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,3;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,4;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,5;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,6;
        goto K_Menuf;
        set @num,7;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Сохранить") return;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Использовать Сундук"){
            // Do not charge for Guild Storage
            if(getarg(0) == 2) callfunc "F_KafStor",2,0,0;
            else callfunc "F_KafStor",0,getarg(3),getarg(0);
            goto M_Menu;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Телепорт"){
            // Display Einbroch "No Teleport Service" notice.
            if(getarg(1) == 4){
                mes "[Kafra Employee]";
                mes "Из-за ^FF0000Ограничений";
                mes "Транспортного Соглашения^000000,";
                mes "Корпорация Кафра не может";
                mes "предоставить услугу Телепорт";
                mes "в Республике Schwaltzvalt.";
                mes "[Kafra Employee]";
                mes "Вместо этого мы просим Вас";
                mes "воспользоваться услугами Дирижабля.";
                mes "Спасибо за Ваше понимание";
                mes "и содействие.";
                goto M_Menu;
            callfunc "F_KafTele",getarg(0);
            goto M_Menu;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Арендовать телегу"){
            if(callfunc("F_KafCart",getarg(0),getarg(4)) == 1) next;
            goto M_Menu;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Гиды"){
            callfunc "F_KafGuide";
            goto M_Menu;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Проверить другую информацию"){
            callfunc "F_KafInfo",getarg(2);
            goto M_Menu;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Отмена"){
            callfunc "F_KafEnd",getarg(0),0;
        if (@K_Menu0$[@num] == "Использовать Сундук Гильдии"){
            callfunc "F_KafStor",1,0;
            goto M_Menu;


или выложите свою !! заранее спасибо ! =))))

Автор: MiRoTVoReZ: Дата: 06.07.2009

Советую посмотреть Димкин (Анубиса) скрипт арены, самый низ. Вот то и прописываем в item_noequip

Автор: NesterRo: Дата: 06.07.2009

спасиб , а с кафрой поможете ?